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Gaming Laptops Under $1000

If you're doing a little digging to find a decent gaming laptop under $1000, you might run across several options out there. Your best bet would be to create a list of features you want from the laptop and search according to that list.
A good gaming laptop must first be configured to carry a powerful processor. Now for this limited budget, some good suggestions would be dual-core processors, since these are both powerful and affordable at the same time. Single core processors are great for simple tasks, but since games demand more from the gaming system, it's a lot better if you start with a dual-core processor just to make sure everything runs fine.
In terms of system memory a good target to start at would be 3GB. Extreme gaming laptops might carry up to 16GB, but for a modest gaming laptop, 3 or 4GB of RAM is a good start, since most modern games don't even go beyond 3GB in their system requirements list. This amount will allow you to also do some editing work, graphic design and even a bit of multitasking.
The video card that comes with a gaming laptop has to be dedicated. What this means is that it has to have its own dedicated memory, so it doesn't take from your available RAM in order to run. For this budget you'll probably get away with a decent model from either nVidia or ATI with about 512MB to 1GB of dedicated memory. This is fine if you don't mind running games in medium to high quality settings, but for extreme graphics you'll definitely need to do better than this.
Games are better played when they're viewed properly and you don't have to strain your eyes to keep the crosshair on your target. This means that the screen size on your gaming laptop should not go under 15 inches, since then all the targets you're hunting will be mere pixels. Average laptop screen sizes are in the 15.4 inch range, but you might also find 16 inch screen laptops in this budget range and they're quite capable of displaying decent resolutions too.
The hard drive is often an overlooked feature in gaming laptops, since all it does is store information. You should not overlook one aspect of HDD though, and that is their rpm. More is better in this case, so don't settle for an average laptop hard drive with 5400rpm, but try to go for a 7200 rpm model, or, if you're willing to spend a bit, go for an SSD drive.





Curing Video Game Addiction

Are you a Video Game Addict?
Do you find yourself lounging in your comfy chair and playing your favorite video game for hours? But you think it is not really that bad, as long as your Human Paladin levels up. Then you realize you haven't taken a bath for quite a few days and your clothes started to stink. But then again, you think that an Orc Berserker smells worse than you. Then you stole a quick glimpse around your pad and noticed how messy and littered it has been. Again you shrugged it off and think there can still be worst places like the dreaded Frozen Undead Realms. Finally, your friends dumped you for not spending time with them. With this final straw of annoyance, you proudly yell, "I don't need friends, I have my Undead Legions!"
Surely this might be an exaggerated sign of Video Game Addiction, but sadly some video game addicts do exhibit such exaggerated reactions, to some extent that some commits suicide when something happens untoward to their game.
Video game addiction is simply defined as an excessive or compulsive use of computers and video games that interferes with daily life. Despite displaying symptoms that are characteristic of other addictions, video game addiction has not been given a diagnostic status by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM). These behaviors include failure to stop playing games, difficulties in work and school, lying to loved ones, decreased attention to personal hygiene, decreased attention to family and friends, and disturbances in the sleep cycle.
But, hey, let's be hopeful. Having a video game addiction doesn't mean it's the end of the world. There's still a way out of it but it would need a large amount of work and willpower.
Steps in "Curing" Video Gaming Addiction
Since there is no formal diagnosis for video gaming addiction, there is still no approved therapy or method of curing video gaming addiction. But there are some ways a video game addict can do to help in alleviating video game addiction. Here are some of those suggested means:
Limit your GAME TIME.
Set a specific time and duration for playing on your gaming system. Limit your game time to at most 1-2 hours per day. It will be hard at first, but when your body has adapted to it, it will be easy as a normal daily activity. In other for you too easily adapt to it, try thinking about your game time as a reward for doing your other activities.
Make sure that you tell your friends, parents, or siblings about your plan to limit your gaming time. Provide them with a specific timetable of the gaming schedule you have in mind. In that way they can easily check-up on you and monitor if you are following your desired gaming time schedules.
Limiting your game time not only frees a large amount of time for you to pursue other activities besides playing games, it also corrects your biological clock (which is attuned to gaming over long period of hours) slowly.
Dispose of your GAME MACHINES.
If you are really so determined to cure your video game addiction and would do anything to achieve such a feat, then there's only one thing to do-dispose your GAME MACHINES. These game machines can range from video game consoles, mobile game machines, PCs, among others. But whatever it may be if you have really decided to dispose of them then do it, as soon as possible so that you won't be tempted to use it.
You can sell these game consoles for a price at your local stores or to your friends who have been eyeing it for ages. You can try to hide it in the attic or somewhere which is not easily accessible to you. You can also try to give it away as presents to your friends or family members, like your nieces and nephews. If you are giving it away, try to give it to someone who is far from you.
Dispose only game machines that you own. Ask or explain to your parents and friends that you are disposing your game machines and started to turn a new leaf.
Try other activities.
Whether you try the first or second suggestion, you will observe that you will now have an activity vacuum with the result of limiting you gaming time or disposing your gaming consoles. Lots of spare times to try new activities like the ones before:
Study - Now you have enough time to catch up with your failing grades and unattended studies. You can start reviewing over your notes or prepare for your big quizzes and tests. Start opening those school books and don't let the bookworms get the most out of it. A good education is better than a good game.
Read - As long as it is not an FAQ or strategy guide to your favorite game, then reading could be another great and fun way to pursue. Try reading the latest news on the newspaper; you will be shock at how much happenings you have missed. You can also try reading books in the library, you might know more about the Greek Gods than the game narrator in your game console.
Hang-out - Hang-out with your friends and family members. I guess it's about time you patched up with them after a long time of isolating yourself with your game console. Engage and chat with them, ask them how they have been and what they are up to now. Finally, be humble enough to ask forgiveness for taking them for granted.
No matter what the suggestions or methods are of riding or curing video gaming addiction, it will never work unless the person is dedicated to change himself/herself. DEDICATION and MOTIVATION are the key for these suggestions to be successful.
As one saying goes, "The power to overcome addiction lies in the belief that it is possible combined with a consistent strength of spirit."

Benefits of Doing Jigsaw Puzzles

Even with the state of the world and a whole lot of technical ways of entertaining ourselves, jigsaw puzzles are not obsolete. Why? They're fun, they work the brain, and there's something tangible at the end of your hard work. There are some great benefits of doing jigsaw puzzles for the whole family. Whether you are 3 or 100, a puzzle is a productive use of your spare time and a great catalyst for some couple or family bonding time. If you haven't done a puzzle in a while, why not look at the options?

Great for Problem Solving
Doing a jigsaw puzzle promotes using your brain. Puzzles are great for stretching your imagination. You need to plan, problem solve, and as you see a puzzle coming together, it's really rewarding. The problem solving skills that puzzles promote are great for people of all ages. They can be educational and provide kids with reasoning and problem solving skills and they also help elderly people keep their mind active. For parents, it's a great time to spend time with the whole family in a way that doesn't rely on technology.
Family Time
Families who do jigsaw puzzles together can enjoy great family bonding time. This can be great for a rainy day or for game nights. Sure, you might already do family movie night and / or a board game. But spending time together doing puzzles can also be a great time for talking and staying in touch.
Wall Art
After the puzzle is done you can put it away for another day, pass it on to a family friend (people who love puzzles often do a puzzle exchange), or you can hang it on a wall. Framing a jigsaw you've done together is something you can do proudly.
Plenty of Options
Today, there are more puzzle options than ever. You can buy small board options for children, to help them develop skills with reading, matching, reasoning, and so on. There are small character options for kids, of their favourite super heroes or cartoon characters. You'll also find a number of gorgeous landscape options. Beyond that, today there are 3-D puzzles as well. Whether you want something with just a few hundred pieces or are feeling really ambitious and want to do one with thousands of pieces.
Worried that you'll start a puzzle but take ages to finish? That's ok. You can buy jigsaw puzzle storage accessories to help you keep progress without taking up too much room. If you do it on the table and want to whisk it away until later, you can buy mats that help you roll it away until you're ready to work on it some more.

Cornhole Rules

Cornhole rules are very easy to learn and that adds to enjoyment of the game itself. Since there is less time learning to play that means more fun for all who are actively participating in the game itself. Keep in mind that this is a game of fun and playing by the corn hole rules allows you to play at different events using the same rules of play, no matter where you find the next game.
There are two primary cornhole associations that deem themselves as the official cornhole organization and there are some small variances that are involved in cornhole rules between the two associations, so depending on which you adhere to, make sure this is decided among players before beginning game play.
the two entities are: The ACA or American Cornhole Association and The ACO or American Cornhole Organization. Each can be found online and their individual guidelines for cornhole rules and tournament play.
First let's discuss the game parts of Cornhole.
The cornhole boards should be 2 feet by 4 feet and placed 27 feet apart, facing each other.
The cornhole bags are used for tossing them at the cornhole board and should be made of duck cloth canvas measuring 6 inches square. The filler of the bags should be hard shell feed corn weighing 1 pound each. Each team of two players should have 4 bags of a specific color to differ from their opponents.
Game Play
1. The game begins with either 2 teams of 2 players each or it can be played with only 2 players competing against each other.
2. After a coin toss to determine which team starts first, the tossing begins and all 4 cornhole bags of each team are tossed from the same end so that all 8 bags can be used to either score or alter another teams bags on the cornhole board being tossed toward.
3. After all 8 cornhole bags are tossed at the game board it's time to add up the score for that toss;
3 points for a bean bag that goes through the hole.
1 point for a bean bag that is on the board surface.
1 point for a bean bag that is hanging into the hole.
1 point for a bean bag that is hanging off the edge and is not touching the ground.
NO points for a bean bag that is on the playing surface, but also touching the ground.
NO points for a bean bag that is hanging off the board and is resting on a cornhole bag on the ground
NO points if bean bag bounces from the ground and lands on the board
4. After each toss the score for each player is kept and continues with the opposite team players tossing from the other end of the game and the first team to combine a score or 21 WINS!
5. Should the two teams end up with only a single point separating their final score, 21 to 20, then the game continues until the winning team wins a toss off when the final score has won by at least 2 points
(example: 22 to 20 or 23 to 21, etc)
How Fouls occur:
1. A foot foul is when a players foot goes past the front of the cornhole board while tossing the bean bag
that toss is void and cannot be re-tossed
2. If a player foes out of turn, no points are allowed from that player's toss
3. Any foul committed is cause to remove the bean bag(s) used during the foul occurrence and no scores
can be applied
Hopefully, you among friends that know you and your playing etiquette and no arguments are apt to occur, but it is always a good sport policy to spell out to each player what the cornhole rules are as everyone understands prior to playing the game. The few minutes it takes to discuss the rules before play will ensure any events that may come up during play will be an agreed state beforehand.

Jigsaw Puzzles, Great for Toddler Development

There are some great age appropriate jigsaw puzzles available for your tot. Jigsaw puzzles and learning puzzles can help with a number of learning areas including motor skills, reasoning, and problem solving skills as well. Small children can benefit from puzzle play in many different ways, such as learning and for entertainment purposes as well. They are one of the greatest learning toys you can invest in for small kids and if you take good care of them, you can pass them on to younger siblings, to cousins, or to family friends. Read on for some helpful information about doing puzzles with your child.
Doing puzzles together with little ones builds an interest in the problem solving attributes jigsaw puzzles bring. Smaller children generally enjoying doing new things, such as learning activities, with a parent first. It's a great one on one activity to do with your kids. It may begin with you showing your toddler how to put puzzle pieces together and before long your little one may choose to lead the way and eventually do the activity on their own.
There are some simple but stimulating puzzle options for small children that include board puzzles where numbers or letters are put into slots. By talking about the puzzle and identifying pieces you'll help develop early reading and letter / number recognition skills. Some puzzles can help with other areas as well, such as geography, telling time, learning about anatomy, nursery rhymes, alphabet letters, numbers, animals, and more.
If your child seems uninterested at first, don't give up. It may take a few attempts before the interest grows and /or before the skill is mastered. Once your child has done a puzzle several times you may want to rotate that activity so that he or she doesn't grow bored with it too quickly. Many parents will also share puzzles with other families and rotate these educational activities so that a puzzle that has been played with numerous times will get to be enjoyed by others. Keeping them in their box and encouraging kids to put them away promptly after play minimises lost pieces and the frustration of dealing with trying to complete a puzzle and realising you don't have all the pieces.
As your child grows, more advanced options exist to build on learning skills or to help promote new skills. And, puzzles can also entertain, as well, with your child's favourite hobby or television character.

Facts and Hints About The Game Angry Birds

Angry Birds has become a worldwide gaming mega hit but how did this game come into existence? Rovio is the name of the company that created angry birds, however, it's not the first game they developed. Surprisingly they have been creating games for several years but had just never broken through into the mainstream the way they did with angry birds. The idea for the game came about in 2009 when the company was looking at different ideas for games which they thought could become popular. It was a simple idea spawned from some sketches of wingless and legless birds which were angry.
The sketches caught on among the staff who in turn created a unique design which became angry birds. The pigs were added into the game later in the development as an enemy. During this period of development swine flu was being heavily reported in the news which is where the idea for the pigs emerged.
The basis of the game is very simple and is not unique to angry birds but has been seen in many other games previously. It's a simple physics/puzzle game. The player is given a slingshot and a finite supply of angry birds with differing characteristics. Some birds are faster than others while others can be split into multiple birds. You control the trajectory of the birds with the slingshot which launches them towards rickety structures containing your main enemy, the pigs. In order to advance to the next level you must eliminate all of the pigs before your birds run out.
Rovio has released several different versions of the game at this point. The original, Seasons, and Rio. Seasons is a collection of holiday themed versions of the game while Rio was a movie tie in for the movie Rio. All versions continue to be updated with new levels which are free to those who have previously purchased the game. In addition to these versions of the game there are some free versions of the game available to play. Google has a special chrome version which allows you to play some levels. A special 'lite' version of the game is available in your favorite app store as well.
Below are some tips for making the most of your angry bird gaming sessions.
  • Try to use as few birds as possible. Each unused bird will give you 10,000 points when you clear the level. Useful info if you love to get high scores.
  • Watch the trail your birds leave behind once launched. This makes it easier to adjust your next shot or to simply shoot in the same direction again.
  • Be sure to wait until your previous bird has disappeared completely before launching another.
  • Everything you destroy on the screen will give you points so try to kill the pigs while causing as much destruction as possible.
  • Remember that you can zoom in if you need a closer look.
  • If you are really stuck you can look up the angry birds walkthroughs online. Everything is easily found on YouTube or on one of the many fan sites